Darth Vader and Luke refer to each other as “Father” or “Son”Ħ. The Millenium Falcon fails to go into hyperspeedĥ. Anyone mentions the Death Star’s technical plans inside R2-D2Ģ. Anyone insults the or boasts about the Millenium Falconħ. Anyone talks about “power” or being “powerful”Ħ. Padme’s childbirth death / “saving her life” is mentionedĨ. Anakin refers to his affection for PadmeĦ. Anyone mentions refer to Anakin as youngĦ. Here are the official rules to the film drinking games, thanks to Star Wars Online Universe:ĥ. The only other rule is lousy coin tosses need to be re-tossed. If you guess right three times in a row, you may retrieve an article of clothing and put it back on. Another successful guess lets you pass the coin to anyone of your choosing.
If you guess right, you can choose to flip again. If you guess wrong, pass the coin to your left and either take one article of clothing off (anything that is a pair counts as one item) or take a drink. If you guess right, pass the coin to your right. This game explanation can get a little long-winded, so we’ll let the pros explain:įlip a coin and while it is in the air, call heads or tails.